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Automatically Get More Reviews And More Customers!

More reviews mean higher search listings and more traffic to your website. Get reviews from your customers and automatically grow your business.

Here’s why small businesses use ReviewPickle


of people trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations


average revenue increase after 4 months of automating reviews with ReviewPickle


of people hesitate to choose a business that has zero or negative online reviews

More reviews mean more customers

Get an average of 975% more reviews on Google, Facebook, Yelp, and others by automating your review collection process and attracting new and repeat customers.

Beat your competition

Reviews are the most important factor in increasing your rankings on Google, Facebook, and other platforms. A steady flow of reviews will help you rise to the top and outrank your competitors.

Build trust with real, authentic reviews

In 2020 consumers are doing more online research before buying products and services and don’t trust businesses that have little or outdated reviews.

Unlimited reviews without lifting a finger

ReviewPickle automates your review collection process, guaranteeing you get a flood of new positive reviews so you can focus on running your business and spend more time with your family.

Get found on the sites that matter most to your business

…and Countless Other Online Review Sites

We do all the work. You get more reviews

Review Collection

Easily send Email and SMS Text messages to your customers making it simple for them to review you with a few simple clicks

Review Reminders

Automated, friendly reminders will follow-up with your customers to make sure they leave you a glowing 5-star review

Bad Review Blocker

If your customer had a negative experience, our software will BLOCK them from leaving a bad review and ask for feedback

Simple Point-and-Click

Get instant access using your computer, tablet, or phone allowing you to start collecting reviews within a few short minutes

Additional Review Tools

We include several other innovative tools & widgets for your website and emails that will put your review generation on autopilot

Done-For-You Setup

Don’t have time to setup your account? We’ll do it for you FREE OF CHARGE so you can get started collecting reviews right away!

Here’s what our clients say about our service:

“First Page of Google”

“We have wasted a ton of time and money over the years trying to boost our online ranking. Within two months of using ReviewPickle, we showed up on the first page of Google for our local area and are getting new customers every day!”

Jen McLaren

Wedding Planner

“I Honestly Didn’t Believe…”

“I honestly didn’t believe we could help our online reputation. We started using ReviewPickle and saw immediate results. We saw our Google review average go from a weak 3.1 rating up to a 4.7 in just four months. I’m completely shocked and thrilled!”

Doug Bartlett

Auto Mechanic

“Easiest & Most Affordable”

“ReviewPickle is the easiest & most affordable method of building trust online and gaining new business. I was spending thousands a month on Google and Facebook Ads with little results… People trust real authentic reviews more than paid advertising.”

David Lawrence

Chartered Accountant

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